Thursday, August 21, 2014

Primera impresión Delineador líquido Zan Zusi

La marca Zan Zusi ha estado en el mercado desde hace muchos años, nuestras mamás seguro utilizaron en su juventud estos productos. Mi mamá me había recomendado la máscara de pestañas, que muchos maquilladores utilizan por su fórmula de larga duración (la primera vez que la utilicé no me gustó, pero comentaré en un post diferente). 

Ahora le toca el turno al delineador líquido. Es la primera vez que lo utilizo, quise probarlo, primero porque mi mamá dice que la marca funciona muy bien además de ser barata.

- Es barato, en la tiendas de autoservicio lo consigues entre 45 y 50 pesos.
- La brocha es súper delgada, puedes hacer líneas muy finas y prescisas.
- Lo consigues casi en todas las tiendas, ahora es parte de Genoma Lab, venden en prácticamente todo México. 
- El envase es de vidrio, puedes ver que tanto tiene, es higiénico y no le pasa nada en clima extremo.

- Demasiado líquido que tienes que dar varias pasadas, dejar secar entre una y otra porque si no no se ven los brochazos. Probare en unos días a ver si se secó un poco y es más manejable. 
- Si aún no tienes tanta práctica con este tipo de delineadores puedes desesperarte porque necesitas mucha prescisión. Olvídate si traes pulso de maraquero, jajajaja!!!
- Tarda un poco en secar, así que no es opción si tienes mucha prisa. 
- El envase es de vidrio, si se te quiebra, mugrero garantizado. 

Aquí la línea: 

Cabe mencionar que sólo es una prueba y no maquillé mi cara más que un poco de corrector. 

Lo he traído toda la tarde y no se me ha corrido, en ese aspecto la publicidad es verdadera: "no se corre". 

A pesar de que no se corre, bostecé y me lloraron los ojos, entonces al secarme la lágrima se "cayo" la línea. La textura es muy plástica, así que intente quitarme el resto y se "viene" como si fuera calcomanía. Depende para quién lo use, puede ser un pro o un con... 

Fotos tomadas con iphone5 sin edición. 


Monday, August 11, 2014


This time I'm reviewing some products I used up, let's get started! 

From left to right, the I.C.O.N shampoo and conditioner. This pair has been in my shower for the last two years at least. I bought the at the salon when having a hair cut and the hairdresser told me that my scalp was too damaged. Indeed I've suffer from dry scalp to draindruff most of my life. She conveinces me that this products will help my scalp to heal... Well, it didn't!!! This is a treatment of detoxifying shampoo and conditioner and contains mint, so made my scalp to burn as hell. You guessed it, I'll never been buying this again. Also you only can find them in specialized stores and salons and is kind of expensive, something around $50 USD...

The bright side of this brand, is that is detoxifying, so it takes product remaining in your hair from other stuff like hair spray or conditioner that has been accumulating. You really feel your head clean. Also, this brand is anti agers, vegan, paraben free and contains vitamis A, C and E. Maybe I'll try this products for another purpose, I mean, Nothing with mint. 

Next, the Estée Lauder Pleasures in Exotic. I already review it in my Perfume collection, but basically is a fresh scent with a hint of flowers and mango. I definitely buy it again or ask it as a gift (ha!). 

And last from the first picture the Mom to Mom Cream to prevent stretch marks. This product is one of the best to use during pregnancy. I didn't start using it right away since I had the Palmer's one (that I do not like as well as this one, review soon). This is a large container, so it may last more than your pregnancy, depending of how much you use. It says that it must be applied on the belly, boobs, hips and tights during the first 6 months of the pregnancy. After the 6 months the brand has another product which I didn't bought. 

The Mom to Mom contains hydrating and smoothing ingredients for the stretching skin during pregnancy or weight loss program. The basic ingredients to relieve the itchiness and prevent the appearance  of stretch marks are grapes, sweet almond oil, rosehip (rosa mosque ya in Spanish) and  centella (centella asiatica). 

I used it even after having my baby and not only in the areas were the instructions recommend, I also applied it on my back,legs and  arms. The smell is pretty soft and do not causes aversion during pregnancy like other products with strong smell. I will buy it again if needed. 

And a bonus... 

Labello mint and mineral lip balm. Excellent choice for hydrating the lips specially in the summer time. Its color is blue but it applies transparent, has a smooth texture and doesn't taste much. You can feel the difference almost immediately. I already bought a new one! 

As a last comment, all this products were bought in Mexico. Prices and presentations may vary depending your place of residence. 
